We’re Not The Enemy

Richon Neal, Reporter

Press is important because we are the voice of the people. As the press we get everyone’s point of view, opinion, and story. We are the force that keeps everything up to date, no matter what time span. For a thought of any political tampering to be a part of the press is incredibly wrong. Essentially we are the history of the world, even when press did not have cameras involved there was always someone to record the current event. For press to be accused by the President is insane, mainly because we also help exposure during the campaign. Press is what runs the world, and we don’t abuse the power we have, we show responsibility. It would be easy for the writer to try and change a viewpoint on a celebrity, or political figure, but we choose not to. Since the 1920s, the media has been a third eye for the people, the media has only been here to be, somewhat of, a third eye for those unaware of situations. Such as, World War II, as citizens of America were left in the dark but due to the press, the American people were allowed an inside look onto the battlefield. Which is why for this to become a reality and to hear it from such a figure, it changes how we approach anything we do. Even though we have nothing more to prove, the press will always continue to push forward with a complete, unbiased approach. We must also take into account the most discoveries and major historical events would not be accounted for without press. Take for example, any events past the 1900s, we as American people would not be aware of any of the trials and events we went through to gain our freedom. As an African-American male I would know nothing of my race’s past and difficulties it has had to overcome.