How to Concert
Are concerts worth it? EHS students discuss their past concert experiences and decide if their next ticket is worth the price.
It is 7 p.m. and your adrenaline is steadily increasing. You are sitting next to some of your best friends with an overpriced soda and french fries for dinner. Midway through your conversation- the lights begin to dim and your excitement reaches its peak. The music begins and your favorite artist steps onto the stage. You know it is the beginning of a great night.
The feeling of a concert is indescribable and something I believe every person should experience. However, many people may question if this temporary event is worth an empty wallet. A concert may be a magical night but it could get pricey, so before splurging on a concert, there are three factors you should consider.
Being able to say you have been to a concert is a huge deal. However, being able to share who you saw at the concert is an even bigger deal. A massive fangirl moment is being able to sing along to the artist’s hit songs with other people who know the words by heart.
Senior Abigail Goodwin is a huge concert attendee. She has attended some major artists such as The Weekend, Billie Ellish, Marina and Cavetown. For Goodwin, the best part of concerts are seeing the artist and the overall experience itself.

“When you go to a concert, it is usually someone you constantly listen to. I think concerts are good experiences. It is like how you want to pay a lot for an amusement park- it’s just the thrill and the rush you can get from a concert,” Goodwin said.
Seeing a person in concert versus hearing their music at home is a huge difference. When you hear an artist live, you feel connected to the music. You have been listening to the studio version for months and then suddenly, the artist is right in front of you. It is as if the artist is almost singing the lyrics directly to you. If you actively listen to an artist and know a decent amount of songs, hearing them in a concert is a fun way to get more into the artist’s fandom. It also allows you to get to know more about the artist.
Besides singing songs, artists tend to share their personal experiences and lessons with the crowd. When the artist shares their life lessons, it leads to wholesome audience interaction and a deeper understanding behind the artist’s music itself. At concerts, no two nights are the same.
Last May, I attended the Phoebe Bridgers concert. For her last song, she played an unreleased song that she had not played live since 2018. I believe that the “never know what you’re going to get” factor builds a lot of that excitement. The night was completely surreal and unexpected.
Location is another factor in determining whether or not you should go to a concert. Colorado is home to several beautiful venues such as Mile High Arena, Empowerment Field and Red Rocks. My personal favorite venue is Red Rocks, a beautiful outdoor venue. Built in 1936, Red Rocks is notable for its gorgeous views and, well, red rocks. In 2021, Red Rocks was even named the most attended concert venue- in the World.

Besides the venue, you should also take into consideration where you will be sitting at the concert. Being in nosebleeds, you are the furthest from the stage. These tickets tend to be cheaper but you don’t get a clear view of the artist.
“I think the price for concerts may be worth it, but it depends on where your seat is,” Senior Abigail Zaugg said. Being in the pit or closer to the stage may be more expensive, but you have also bought another experience on top of the typical concert.
Junior Michael Seymour also attends concerts frequently. Some artists he has seen recently include Phoebe Bridgers, Kendrick Lamar, The Weekend, and Tyler the Creator. Seymour seems to enjoy his concerts as close as possible. However, depending on the location of the seat, Seymour believes the ticket prices could have been a little different.
“I’m usually pretty close, I pay around 100 dollars for tickets. For some concerts I would say the price is definitely worth it, but some other ones could have been cheaper for the seats.” At the end of the day, the concert seems to be determinant on the music itself and not just your view.
“I think hearing music live just sounds better than at home.” Seymour said. It is possible to have just as much fun in the “nosebleeds” or in the pit- it’s what you make of it that truly counts.
Price is a determining factor in buying tickets. Even if it is your dream artist and dream venue, certain ticket prices are outrageous and maybe even impossible to purchase.
Junior Teresa Pham recently went to her first concert- Keshi. “My ticket was about $70–$80. It was my first concert and really fun, I also really love listening to his music. It was just really cool to see him in person. ” Pham said. All factors considered, the price of the concert was worth it.
Goodwin, seems to have found a trick for a cheaper way to find concert tickets.
“I like to buy directly from the artist’s website. Because I know you will probably get a better deal then someone who is trying to resell tickets for even more,” Goodwin said.
Here is a recap if you are still struggling on deciding whether you should go or not go to a concert, you should think through these three factors.
Number One: Do you enjoy the artist?
If you can picture yourself singing along to the words and having a good time- that’s the first sign that you should purchase the tickets.
Number Two: Could you enjoy yourself no matter where you sat?
Entertainment and enjoyment are the main goals of a concert. If you would be satisfied with the concert even if the artist is barely visible on stage then the tickets are worth it.
Number Three: Is the cost reasonable?
If you have to spend half of your savings on the concert, and you don’t even like the artist that much, you probably can spend your money somewhere else. If you feel the price is reasonable for your experience, then you should purchase the tickets and get ready to have the best time.

All in all, concerts are something I hope everyone has the chance to experience. If you are able to see an artist you enjoy – you can cross off a bucket list item, and create several interesting stories to tell others for the rest of your life. The experience is unmatched and completely worth it. Most artists announce tours through email, Instagram and other social media platforms. Make sure to check it out so you don’t miss their next headliner.
“Concerts are just a great way to meet new people. It is a place where you can create memories with your friends and family, and it is just a great way to enjoy yourself.” said Goodwin.

Emmi van Zoest is a senior entering her second year in Nest Network, as the Queen of album reviews and the main Swifite in the class. If you're ever wondering...