All Hands on Board for Bond

Leslie Bell, Reporter

Tanya Bond is now an athletics director making it two on the job including Vince Orlando. Bond has been in education for 22 years and at Eaglecrest for 19 years, in the time before her arrival at Eaglecrest she had been a PE teacher at Prairie and Loredo middle school, while also coaching volleyball at Grandview. 

Then, after four years she had seen the head coach for volleyball position had opened in 2000 she took the job and has been with Eaglecrest since. 

When asked what brought her to apply for the position, Bond had this to say, “I always wanted to be an athletics director, I went to school and received my masters in my sports administration degree, and I hadn’t pursued the position before now because I wanted to keep coaching and usually when you begin as an athletic director you can’t coach anymore, when Gwen Hansen Vigil proposed this model and the possibility was there to continue coaching the position spoke to me.” 

I transitioned next to the topic of her goals during her time as athletic director she said “I hope to support coaches and their programs, I hope to support the kids and what they’re trying to do, also it excites me that I can still teach and I get to teach sports training with a lot of the girl athletes that I work with, I think I’ve learned a lot over the last twenty three years of coaching high school, and I’d hope to impart that knowledge onto coaches.” 

I then closed by asking Bond about what she believed he crowning achievement so far was she said “The success that our program has had over the last 19 years, of course I could say winning the state championship in 2006, and continuing strong after that has been an achievement, I could say that having built relationships with teachers and students, and people coming back from college to join the staff here at Eaglecrest.”

I spoke to varsity soccer coach, Matt Best on the changes and what he thought about the new athletic director addition. I first asked him about changes he believed would come with the addition of a new athletic director he had this to say, “No, I think the athletics department had it down before, and having two people on will having two people on will definitely spread the wealth.” 

I then asked him about expectations he had for Bond he responded with, “I know Ms. Bond and she’s always done a great job, supporting the coaches, supporting the players, supporting the parents and I’m she’ll continue doing a great job with that.” 

I then proceeded with asking about any feelings of nervousness that he may have about the new athletic director he responded with, “No she’s done great and I’m sure she’ll continue doing great.” 

I then closed asking about how well he knew the original athletic director and what experiences he had with him “Mr. Orlando has been great to support us, getting schedules changed when we needed it, always great with answering any question, so it’s been great and I’m sure it’ll be greater.” 

I also spoke to Cade Munro,varsity lacrosse player,for  a students perspective on the topic. I began by asking him if he felt the addition of another athletics director would affect the day to day sports community at Eaglecrest in any major way which he believed there wouldn’t be. 

I then moved towards expectations and if he had any for Bond which he had little to say, except for a well organized sports year. 

It then came to the topic of whether or not he was nervous about having another athletics director to the roster he had said “I’m not nervous about the new athletics director because I know they are here to do their job and I trust them do that.” 

I then tied back and asked him about his experiences with the previous Athletics director and he responded with “The previous Athletics Director helped me alot and I’m thankful for everything.”