Peer Buddies: A Place for All

Saron Bitew, Editor

Even though EHS has a huge population, it can be hard to find a community within it where you feel comfortable. Whether it be because of rigorous school schedules or struggling to branch out, inclusivity is sometimes hard to find at school, but clubs, like Peer Buddies, have established a welcoming environment for all students at EHS. According to the club description, “The Peer Buddy club pairs Student Achievement Services students with high achieving mentors to provide friendship, role models, and promote school unity.” The club has established lasting relationships among club members ranging from students to faculty.

Alex Hunt and Sarah Healy run Peer Buddies together; they help run the club by planning events and engaging with members to create interactive ideas and activities.

Hunt, the President of Peer Buddies and Eaglecrest Homecoming King, stated, “Peer Buddies has really impacted me a lot because I got to know a lot of my good friends through Peer Buddies.”

In fact Hunt’s favorite memory from the club was being elected President. He felt inclined to join the club because he wanted to branch out and make new friends. As Hunt graduates this year, he hopes to keep all of the friends that he has made in the club over the past four years.

Healy, the Co-President of Eaglecrest’s Peer Buddies stated, “Peer buddies has affected my life tremendously. It’s given me a new outlook on how I can engage and hang out with students who I don’t normally get to, which is amazing.”

Although Healy initially joined to get involved in more extracurriculars, she now serves an important role in the club as co-president. Healy has made many memories getting to connect with the members club.

Healy stated, “My favorite memory is walking in the Homecoming parade and being able to yell chants and just become closer with not only our ILC students but with other students in the school.”

Although it is her senior year at Eaglecrest, Healy wants to continue working in environments like Peer Buddies. Healy plans on becoming a special education teacher after she  graduates, and her experiences from Peer Buddies will always remind her of the passion she has working with the students in Peer Buddies.

Sean Cowles, who has been a member of the club for two years, stated that all his favorite memories from the club consisted of being with his friends. Another member of the club, Tir Bird Joseph, said that his favorite memories in the club were playing “minute to win it” with everyone.

Not only does Peer Buddies create a friendly environment for any student at Eaglecrest, but its members make great memories as they make new friends and companions. Peer buddies has established a comforting and memorable environment for its students.