Keeping the Tradition of Mr.EHS

Mr. EHS is a widely known event throughout EHS as the perfect time to watch the boys of our community show off their skills and have a good laugh. The event is meant to make fun of beauty pageants by featuring boys instead of girls. Because of this, I do not believe there should be a Ms. EHS.  It is a unique time for our boys to show off skills they might not be able to show off anywhere else. Our school has many events and clubs that are naturally dominated by one gender. Our cheer team is 100% girls. Our poms team has been all girls before this year. Student council has also always been a majority of girls. Likewise, wrestling is dominated by males and so is robotics. Powder Puff and Peach Fuzz are also events that were made to feature a different gender than we usually see play those sports.  

Because Mr. EHS has a specific purpose of comically imitating beauty pageants, I don’t think Eaglecrest should have a Ms. EHS. Rashaan Davis comments,“This gives kids a real opportunity to one; be kids, and two; showcase a level of talent or entertain the crowd. It gives kids an opportunity who may not get it in athletics or performing arts or maybe even in class.”

Mr. EHS and Wish Week are long-standing traditions within the Eaglecrest community. For many years, people have loved participating in the spirit days and raising money for different foundations. It is a time for people to forget about the stress of the future and stay in the present. School drama is left behind and staff, students, and teachers bond together to raise money. With a Ms. EHS, more of the focus would be on winning the pageant instead of this bonding aspect.

Alexis Cook, student body president, adds that “The whole point of Mr. EHS was to get more school spirit for guys who normally wouldn’t have a lot. We wanted them to be able to create a fun high school memory without the overly competitive environment of a girl’s pageant.” Girls are highly competitive. They would take a pageant too seriously and their feelings have the potential to get hurt. While boys are also very competitive, the atmosphere surrounding Mr. EHS from the beginning has been one of comradery instead of competition. By introducing a Ms. EHS, the atmosphere would be different. It would be taken more seriously than jokingly and conflict with what Wish Week is about.

There is also the large problem of money and use of the theatre. Our theatre at Eaglecrest is lucky to host many events from plays/musicals, to award ceremonies, to movie nights, to concerts, and school events. Due to such high usage, adding more events is difficult to plan and follow through with.

Alexia Jackson emphasizes, “We [student council] want to be considerate with when we schedule events and make sure that if we are going to take the theatre we don’t do it too often” and that “These events cost money so to put one on they need to be successful for it to be worth it.”

Men’s Wearhouse graciously rents all the Mr. EHS contestants free tuxes. A sponsor would most likely have to be found for a Ms. EHS as well, including a day that the theatre could be available. When I asked multiple people if they would go to a Ms. EHS or participate in one, many said they would go just to go. No one seemed overly enthusiastic about such an event taking place and even fewer seemed willing to participate in one. Mr. EHS is adored by the community. We shouldn’t impose on Eaglecrest traditions when few people seem interested in the first place and having a Ms. EHS would contradict the atmosphere of what Wish Week is about. The boys of Eaglecrest should have their moment of fame without the shadow of Ms. EHS.