Not The Enemy

Leo Nibbe, Reporter

“Enemy of the State,” has been a term coined towards terrorists, opposing countries in World Wars, followers of Communism, but never once did the American public think they’d be told that the American press is an Enemy of the State, especially by none other than the President himself. Our country was founded on the idea that the public should be able to inform itself as a check on power of the central government, yet just because journalists today persist on doing their jobs in the froth of chaotic politics, they have been bashed by the President himself. He claims that journalists have been reporting “fake news,” and misinforming the public, when in reality, journalists have been uncovering and reporting information essential for the public to be aware of, so that the central government can have its power checked. Those defending and supporting Trump seem to be ignorant to the fact that journalism is what keeps them informed of what is happening with Trump, whether it be positive or negative in their eyes. Journalism is what conveys the very political, economical, and moral aspects of America and is what keeps us informed and the world spinning round, and without it, we’d be stuck in every way possible.