VIDEO: Why Don’t Students Stand for the Pledge?
Video and Article on Students and Their Right to Protest
October 22, 2019
Since the beginning of our education, students have been conditioned to stand for and recite the pledge every morning. But recently, especially following Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling in protest during the National Anthem, students have been making a statement themselves by choosing to remain seated during the Pledge of Allegiance.
The greatest thing about America is the ability to express yourself and your beliefs without consequence. Karim Kbayli, senior, takes sitting during the pledge his form of protesting “forced patriotism”.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with having people choose whether or not they want to stand for it,” explains Kbayli. “Its under our First Amendment rights”.
While some students use remaining seated as a form of protest, others don’t see it that way. Benjamin Roby, junior, personally sees not standing during the pledge as a form of disrespect.
“It’s just respectful,” says Roby. “Just kinda giving homage to all the people who have died for this country, I just think it’s kind of disrespectful if you just ignore that.”
Whether you recite the pledge, or choose to sit, America is a place where free speech, and expressing your First Amendment rights, is a form of patriotism. High school is where students are able to recognize their rights, and students are able to make a statement by sitting or standing during the pledge.