Fall Harlequin: The Merchant of Venice

Aliya Getchell, Repro

The annual ILC Thanksgiving lunch was provided for all of the ILC children and staff members of Eaglecrest on November 16th as a true reminder of what the holiday is all about. On this day, ILC staff members cooked delicious food including mashed potatoes, turkey, salad, and a whole table dedicated to cookies and pies. People ate in the ILC room and the lecture center, and the smell of Thanksgiving food drifted throughout the halls. Uplifting music also surrounded the event with the theme of songs being about overcoming adversity and being true to one’s self. This celebration of teachers, staff members, kids, and parents truly got everyone in the giving spirit before we went on break.

The idea to have this meal was created by Dorothy Bose. She created the idea 17 years ago when she was teaching ILC at Grandview High School. When she transferred to Eaglecrest, 12 years ago, she continued the tradition. Bose states, “My favorite part is watching the students excitement when their teachers come in to get their food and eat with them. The students love having other teachers come into their place to visit.” With overwhelming support from parents and staff, the feast continued to grow and is now a holiday favorite within the ILC community.

Meghan Rietveld believes that, “The teachers do a lot for us in the building because we know sometimes we need some extra help or extra attention, so a good way to thank them and show our appreciation is surrounding a holiday where you already express your thankfulness.” She now presides over the Thanksgiving festivities and was very busy serving food, cutting pie, and talking with everyone she could.

Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in tradition. Most families have a specific way of how they make dishes and what they do on Thanksgiving, but for most it is a time to gather with family and be surrounded by love. Alex Hunt’s favorite Thanksgiving tradition is, “Setting up the Christmas tree after eating,” and his favorite food is “green bean casserole.” Logan Giamara graduated last year; however, he came back for the feast in order to catch up with his friends. His strong ties to Eaglecrest and the ILC community pulled him back. His favorite food is “Turkey,” and he loves the ILC Thanksgiving feast because he gets to “hang out with his friends.” For many of the kids, this is a time where they get to have fun and their teachers to get to know them a little better outside of the classroom.

Thanksgiving is not celebrated as much because of the different family situations that may make Thanksgiving a less than ideal holiday for many. It is also dying because people just don’t see it as important anymore. Kristen Kieffer, Alex Hunt’s mom, said that, “We need to carve out time to all be together, put aside our differences, and just be family. I believe every family’s dysfunctional it’s just a matter of what level of dysfunction and on Thanksgiving what better way to come together except around a table full of food.”

The love you could feel in the room was palpable with people laughing, eating, and having a good time. The supportive community of Eaglecrest allows these kids to not only feel comfortable, but to feel supported. Staff members do so much for our student body and this was a great way to thank them. As the holidays get closer and closer, we must remember to finish out the year strong, to be giving, and most importantly to love one another.