February Staff Editorial: Letter to the Future

Hannah Khalil - on behalf of the staff, Editor-in-Chief

Amongst the changing narrative of history, a common storyline has always prevailed. Those of the majority triumph and those who found themselves outside the lines of society’s expectations slowly lost their voice. Though reparations have been made and the general public is slowly waking up to the discrimination of their forefathers, many groups are still left behind. A shifting political climate in which xenophobia, discrimination, and harassment are commonplace has facilitated a new America in which discriminatory behavior is now condoned.

In this past year we’ve witnessed the growing strength of several movements including the Black Lives Matter movement, the Women’s Equality Movement, and the various forms of the LGBTQ Movements. Whether a protester in Charlottesville, a woman marching amongst fellow daughters and mothers for reproductive rights, participant in a Gay Pride Parade or so many more, the movements for which we advocate come down to the same common theme. Human Rights.

It is our responsibility as the new generation of Americans to change the trajectory we are currently on and strive to tell the stories of those that have been subjugated by the masses.

Your student publication at Eaglecrest, made up of a diverse group individuals who share this common thought, also believes in elevating the voice of the minority in the hopes of a better fabric of our community.

As the future leaders, politicians, representatives, judges, CEOs, teachers, and members of the workforce, we hold the responsibility for the future of our nation in every step and mis-step we take towards human rights.

When looking through the lense of our community, this paper is a key step in the documentation of this history. As your narrator of this stretch of our lives, is it our goal to portray our time at Eaglecrest in all of its reality, and and it is our hope that this generation of students lands on the right side of history.