A short film entirely written and directed by Nest Network staff — starring Chigozie Ozor and Rhyan Herrera.
Josiah Dunkin is a senior member of Nest Network who specializes in creating videos for the website. A middle school class that Josiah had taken sparked...
Israel Barkat is a senior at Eaglecrest and is in his second year on staff for Nest Network. He is our biggest and brightest personality - sorry Rhyan....
Chigozie Ozor is a senior at Eaglecrest who is entering his second year in Nest Network. Chi finds a lot of inspiration in music with artists such as Kendrick...
Described as passionate and independent, editor Rhyan Herrera has been in Nest Network for three years. After this year, she plans on going to a college...
Grace Garcia is Nest Network’s signature “cool girl” who will read your tarot cards during class. When not making videos, Grace enjoys watching horror...