Eat My Dust
November 15, 2017
Mason Brown is an athlete, an academic scholar, and now a state known name.
Brown was selected for the state’s cross-country event to represent Eaglecrest High School. Although Brown was against Colorado’s fiercest competitors, he would place 4th.
As he entered the competition, his emotions were all over the place. Nervousness, anxiousness, and fatigue followed Brown. These fears only worked to his advantage.
Brown knew his hard work and hours of training would pay off eventually. Placing Colorado’s 4th made him feel ecstatic. He had finally ran to fortune.
His results are stunning, but still not enough. Brown has a drive to do better. He hopes to persevere and continue his winning streak.
When asked if he would do the competition all over again, his dedication is apparent.
“I need 1st before I graduate.” Brown vowed.
Brown is a senior with many college offers at his feet. These colleges include Tulsa University, and Colorado State University.
Above all, Brown has his team being there to support him.
Mason needs to bring a name to Eaglecrest Boys’ track and field.
He leaves a lasting message to his fellow classmates:
“Keep pushing through, never let anyone tell you that you can’t or you won’t.”