After the Election

The presidential race has come to an end, and after a long passionate campaign from both sides, Donald Trump was announced the 45th president of the United States.

His views on immigration are accepting those who embrace the American way of life, but keeping illegal immigrants from coming to the country. His goals include building a wall between the United States and Mexico. and sending foreign criminals to their native country.

Trump opposes abortion except for cases of rape, incest, or risking the life of the mother.

On taxes, Trump wants to reduce taxes “especially for working and middle-income Americans.” He also wants to make sure the rich pay their “fair share” of taxes.

Local issues were also determined. Here are some of the issues that appeared on the 2016 Colorado Ballot:

Amendment 98: Health Care; Didn’t pass

Supported creating Colorado Care, a healthcare system that would replace private healthcare insurance

Amendment 70: Minimum Wage; Passed

Increase minimum wage from $8.31 an hour to $9.30 an hour.

Amendment 71: Initiatives; Passed

Supports more strict signature and vote requirements for state constitutional amendment,

Amendment 72: Taxes on Tobacco: Didn’t pass

Increase the tax on cigarettes by $1.75 per pack of 20.

Preposition 106: End of Life Options Act; Passed

Assisted death for terminally ill patients.

Preposition 107: Presidential Primary Election; Passed

Unaffiliated voters would be able to participate in the Presidential Primary Election

For the Cherry Creek School District, voters approved ballot issues  3A and 3B. This means the the district will receive funds to provide students with innovation and college career readiness by 2021.