August is long gone, and Starbucks has already stocked up on pumpkin spice lattes and front yards covered in ghoulish decorations. We are midway through September, and there have already been changes in our moods and all around us.
The weather is starting to cool down, Spirit Halloweens are popping up out of nowhere, and people try to get whatever cinnamon and pumpkin-flavored items they can get. People are already buying halloween decorations and costumes, and some people even pre planning for Christmas. But, as we are about to finish with the first quarter, people are already starting to feel school having an affect on their motivation
As the school year progresses, students often find themselves reassessing their goals. The arrival of fall inspires a shift in focus on academics. Most times, coaches are very dependant on you to do well in academics. Many sports are already almost mid-way through the season, and as an athlete, you are often pressured to make sure that your grades are up so that you can play in all of your games or matches. As a fellow athlete myself, balancing grades and your sport makes you exhausted and always sleepy during classes from getting home late from games and practices.
“Classes and practice are mentally and physically exhausting,” says Junior Paul LeMaitre
It’s a challenge for many students here to get into the routine of things since we were so used to the freedom of summer. Many students have a main goal to stay focused on school, especially as many juniors and seniors are starting to look for college opportunities.
“I know that without my good grades, I can lose a lot, like my sports” said freshman Autumn Chapla.
The shift from Summer time to Fall has slowly started to affect all of us here at Eaglecrest High School. From our clothing, our drinks orders, and even to our academic motivation. But there are many ways to stay on task and prepare for this great school year!