Aspen Cavanagh
“I had a party at my house to work on our pants. Everyone was painting their overalls, and it was just a good time! My Senior overalls took seventeen hours, and we stayed up till 5 a.m. the first night. It took two hours just to paint the Raptor on my pants, but it was worth it because it looks cute. I also had to put “Senior Class President” on the pocket because I got to represent my pos...

Amani Giles
“My favorite part of making my Senior pants was being able to do it with my friends and spend time with them. A quote from Malcom X that I feel represents my high school experience is ‘A man who stands for nothing will fall for nothing.’ In school, I have had to stand up for myself and my community so that is why I have the chains breaking drawn on my pants. I wanted to showcase my cultu...

Sky Bird
“On my pants there is my last name and EHS painted on it. I wanted to show my personality, and people who inspired me. I included clouds and fireworks on my overalls because it is supposed to represent my friendship with my friends. They also have it on their pants as well. These overalls took about three hours to finish, but I still want to add more to it. The most difficult part was the re...

Megan Wilcox
“On my Senior overalls, I wanted to represent all my years in high school. It includes the things that I do, the sports I play, and the events I go to. I also love Chipotle, so that is why I included the logo on my overalls. It took me a solid three days to make these. I think the hardest part, painting wise, were the flames. They took hours, but I wanted to make mine unique while still showin...

Nia Asmare
“On the front, I have the usual ‘EHS’ and ‘Senior’ painted on the overalls. The back of the pants have a little more meaning though. On one side, I have the Ethiopian flag, and my last name painted down. I painted this because I am a first generation American in my family. These pants took me three days to finish. My favorite part was doing it with my friends!” - Nia Asmare (‘23...

Ryan Bouchard
“When it came to inspirations, I mainly did whatever came to me. It was really spontaneous. I mainly did whatever came to mind and went for it. I tried to show my personality as much as I could. It took me twenty hours in total. The hardest part was staying awake. My favorite part about making my pants was the mistakes I made along the way. I spelled my name wrong and had to cover it.” - R...
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