“The Black Lives Matter Movement was impactful as it showed that justice for the black community, and being seen as equals is still on our minds even after 100 years of fighting. I feel the death of George Floyd reopened the eyes of so many americans as racial inequality and police brutality is still going on in modern day America. With the verdict recently coming out, I feel good about it. Derek Chauvin got what he deserved and knew he was in the wrong from day 1. As a black male in America, I hope to continue to see change and for things to get better. This is only the beginning we still have a long way to go.”
Kevin Agnigbakuo
“The Black Lives Matter Movement was impactful as it showed that justice for the black community, and being seen as equals is still on our minds even after 100 years of fighting. I feel the death of George Floyd reopened the eyes of so many americans as racial inequality and police brutality is still going on in modern day America. With the verdict recently coming out, I feel good about it. Derek Chauvin got what he deserved and knew he was in the wrong from day 1. As a black male in America, I hope to continue to see change and for things to get better. This is only the beginning we still have a long way to go.” (Josiah Dunkin)