Kerry Johnson’s exuberant personality makes the choir lessons she teaches for kids at Eaglecrest a fun experience for everyone involved. She comes to EHS once a week, during the three lunches, to meet with kids that have busy schedules. This alternative “class” allows kids to have time out of school while still being able to take voice lessons. Kerry Johnson comments on her motivation to start lessons, “It works out so well to see kids during the day so I don’t have to see them after school. If they have other activities they won’t interfere. It’s a win-win for everybody.”
During the lessons, Johnson covers an abundance of different skills that may help kids in a choir class and in a possible career. I sat in on Jeremy Garza’s lesson to see what is like. They started with theory from a book that Garza has worked on throughout his lessons. Such theory ranges from names of notes and the basic staff, to intervals and chords. Theory is pivotal to understanding music and an essential skill to progress in singing in a group or choir. After theory, they sight read multiple pieces of music in an attempt to find one Garza liked. Sight reading is singing a piece of music you’ve never seen before to assess the fit of the song to your skill level. Many choirs require a sight reading section as part of auditioning to see how well someone does under pressure and without preparation.
Johnson does lessons for many people outside of Eaglecrest and home lessons as well. Chloe Cortez is another student that started taking them. Cortez currently sings in Cantare and states, “I wanted to get into Cirque Du Soleil to start singing for Cirque.” A singing career requires huge amounts of dedication and confidence to succeed. Johnson prepares the kids mentally and vocally in order for such a career to be possible. A career path was one of the main motivations for Alex Anguiano to start the lessons, “I feel like if I wanted to get to a level where I wanted to actually do a career I needed to undergo actual vocal training.” While Anguiano is uncertain of what he wants to do, he knows singing will always be a part of his life and he believes the lessons do prepare him for that possibility.
Abigail Fennell also added, “The biggest challenge is to not doubt yourself. Self-confidence is essential for performance, but singing is extremely personal and it can be difficult to put yourself out there.” The fear of performing in such an emotional way holds many singers back. It is hard to sing and perform well when you are scared of being judged. Fennell also does not want to go into a career in vocal performance; however, believes the lessons are very helpful in teaching vocal technique.
The lessons are also very affordable as Johnson’s guide for payment is one dollar per minute. Johnson loves being able to reach the lives of many kids in a way that works for them and her. Because she sang in her high school choir, she deeply relates to the goals and ambitions of the Eaglecrest choir program. Johnson expanded, “The one on one interaction with the kids. I love high schoolers and middle schoolers. They’re just so much fun and full of energy and we just have a great time. That’s the best part of it, and if I can improve them, that’s even better.” The Eaglecrest community is very lucky to have someone like Kerry Johnson who is so willing to help our choir department grow. There is no doubt she has a great impact on many Eaglecrest students, and on our community!